Walking Away, Part One

I often ask people “What’s changed for you as a result of the pandemic, the losses and the changes it brought about? What changed inside you?” Beyond the superficial answers about schedules, jobs, bread-baking, Zoom, extra pounds and the like, the primary answer I hear is “I learned to let go.” Going a little bit deeper still, their answers are about recognizing what they're attached to and why, learning the what those attachments cost them, and tasting the freedom that comes with letting them go.

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Doing It For Love

I love that I create convenience and ease by the intentional way that I do things, and I see that as a form of honoring and caring for myself and others. But it’s also true that often my primary motivation is to avoid inconvenience and trouble, not to share love. I am often motivated away from what I don’t want, rather than toward what I do. The repercussions of that focus can be not very pretty.

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Four-Leaf Clover

A four-leaf clover is essentially an aberration, a defect, that instead of being reviled or rejected, is actually sought after and celebrated for the goodness it might bring. How unlike the way we usually consider human aberrations, including our own - physical, mental, or emotional.

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Martha BostonComment
Caterpillar Soup

Like butterflies-to-be, we swim about in our own version of caterpillar soup - our memories and experiences, imagined futures and reimagined pasts, that become our stories and beliefs, that become our bodies’ interpretation and reflections, our words, actions, emotions and thoughts.

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Life-Changing Challenges

The recent and dangerous deep freeze and energy failure in Texas brought about life-changing challenges for a lot of people. Some perished, some will be dealing with the aftermath for a long time. And some have found ways to turn their challenges into positive life changes. How are they doing that?

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Martha BostonComment
The Sacred and the Profane

It seems to me there is a widespread tendency to see life as divided between the worldly and the spiritual, as though it’s an either/or situation rather than a both/and. We seem to expect people to be wholly one way or the other, and are surprised when they cross the boundary of our image of them. We judge and label them hypocrites.

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Martha Boston Comments
What Is the Issue?

For me personally, it takes a lot of dedication to keep myself in balance, or to get back into balance when I’ve let myself get swept up in reactions. But what’s helping me these days is working with this deceptively simple quote from the inestimable Ron and Mary Hulnick: “How you deal with the issue IS the issue.”

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Martha Boston Comments