Posts by Martha Boston
Opening Doors

For me personally, it takes a lot of dedication to keep myself in balance, or to get back into balance when I’ve let myself get swept up in reactions. But what’s helping me these days is working with this deceptively simple quote from the inestimable Ron and Mary Hulnick: “How you deal with the issue IS the issue.”

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Martha BostonComment
The Year of Your Heart

I’m not a fan of new year’s resolutions because they so often become counter-productive. But having a clear intention for a heart-led experience of the year is really helpful. Having something simple in place to remind me of what that is seems to be a very good plan.

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Martha BostonComment
Lessons in the Leaves

We're all changing, all of the time. Yet none of us changes in the same way or at the same time, although we are all parts of the same tree. Our combined efforts may create a blotchy mess along the way, but together we create the colorful mosaic that is our constantly renewing life.

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Martha BostonComment
A Heart-Led Podcast

I recently sat down for a conversation with my friend Danny Bader for his podcast “Back to Life.“ Danny is a thoughtful, inspiring man of heart and spirit, and our conversation covered a lot of heart-led ground. You can watch it here.

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Martha BostonComment
A Friend Who Cares

Sometimes doubts, fears, and limiting beliefs flare up when I think about reaching out, but like that little girl approaching the big red dog, when I move forward with my trust, respect and tenderness - plus a little playfulness, I quickly find that my new BFF has been there all along, inside me, inviting me to be the caring friend for myself and for others. It’s the layered meaning of the old saying: “If you want to have a friend, be a friend.”

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Martha Boston Comments
Aren't You Special!

We all want to feel special - and sometimes feel we need to be treated that way to recognize the wholeness and worth of our true selves. But egos have a way of appropriating “specialness” in a way that reinforces the false self instead - and leads to comparison and separation rather than wholeness and worth.

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Martha Boston Comments
Walking Away, Part Two

If you’ve truly walked away, initially you’ll probably feel relief in some form. As you continue letting your heart lead, you’ll begin to notice it no longer matters if you have what you were attached to or not. You can have those trendy clothes, but you won’t feel you need them. You’ll be free inside if you have them, and free inside if you don’t.

You’ll have walked away from your attachment by walking toward your heart.

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Martha Boston Comment
Not a New Year's Resolution

I'm not a fan of New Year’s Resolutions. I’ve watched too many people, including myself, make a list of promises to themselves and then proceed to break them…I am far more motivated by a challenge. That - to me - is something inspiring, exciting, unknown. It feels more like an invitation, perhaps even a dare, and that brings forward my excitement, my enthusiasm, my sense of adventure.

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