Heart 2 Heart Circles

BEGINNING September 24, 2024

In these intimate online gatherings, we learn and grow together, exploring the experiences and challenges of living a life led by Heart. Facilitator Martha Boston creates an environment of clarity and caring to support participants' sharing and reflection so that each may find a deeper and more sustainable connection with the wisdom and loving of their own hearts, and with the hearts of others. The subject matter of each circle - the vehicles through which we learn from our hearts - will be what each participant brings to the circle. The collective wisdom of our hearts will be our guide.

What Can I Expect?

There are twelve circles scheduled, one each Tuesday starting September 24 and ending December 24. You can reserve your space in any 4, 8, or all 12 of the circles. Each meets on Zoom from 12 noon to 1:30 p.m. Eastern US time. (Click HERE for a converter to your own time zone.)

Participation is limited to 8 per circle.

Each circle begins with a period of guided reflection/meditation to help you come into greater awareness of your heart, its wisdom, its messages. Afterward, you’ll be invited to bring to the circle whatever is present for you in your journey toward a more heart-led life: your questions, concerns, experiences, requests for support. Martha will assist you in accessing your Heart (by whatever name you call it) to receive the guidance you need. Other participants may be invited to add their support through a carefully facilitated process of questions and reflections. Together, we each explore the opportunity to bring ourselves into greater alignment with our Hearts, and into greater manifestation in our lives.

What Else Is Included?

You’ll have reasonable access to Martha via text or WhatsApp once after each of your sessions. In addition, you’ll have exclusive or early access to selected videos, recorded meditations, and heart-notes.

When you allow yourself access to what your heart knows,
it will never betray you. It doesn’t know how to do that.
— John Morton

Martha Boston

What Do People Say About Martha’s Facilitating?

  • “Martha is a master at using everything as a learning opportunity.”

  • “Martha’s style is one of strength from the heart, with passion and huge delight for her work.”

  • “God’s grace works through her, and in that way she reaches others with loving, wisdom, neutrality and joy.”

  • “She radiates the kind of feeling you need to create that inner peace we all need in our lives.”

  • “She is warm and challenging, a master of really listening and guiding one toward their own Self’s dignity.

What Are the Guidelines?

To create and maintain a safe, supportive, and effective environment for all, each participant agrees:

  • to carefully review and complete the “welcome” materials before my first session;

  • to arrive on time and respect the participants, facilitator and process;

  • to give at least 24 hours notice if i will miss a session so that it may be opened to others; and that I will be able to reschedule any missed session only subject to availability;

  • that I am aware that these circles are neither counseling nor therapy nor a substitute for any form of professional mental health services. I am participating solely for my personal and spiritual education and enhancement.

What Is the Cost?

The Circles are available in packages of 4, 8 or 12. The cost is discounted for larger packages.

  • 4 circles: $295 (about $75 each)

  • 8 circles: $525 (about $67 each)

  • 12 circles:  $675 (about $56 each)


How Do I Register?

  1. Look at your own calendar to see which of the twelve Tuesdays will work for you.

  2. Select how many circles you want: 4, 8, or 12. SELECT HERE (opens in a new tab so you can refer back to these notes!).

  3. Make your payment and agree to the guidelines. When confirmed, your receipt will appear (make note of the code in case you need it later).

  4. Click “SCHEDULE” on your receipt to go the calendar/booking page.

  5. You’ll see the calendar, one month at a time. You’ll see a box to the right with the time of the circle: change it to your own time zone if not the one shown.

  6. Select your first circle date, and click on the time box to book it. You’ll have the option to (a) confirm that date only; or (b) confirm the chosen date, then select another and another; or select sequentially recurring dates if that’s what you plan to do.

After completing your registration, you’ll receive a confirmation email, and shortly thereafter links to a welcome video and questionnaire to help set you up for participation.

As space is very limited, it’s a really good idea to register right away,

particularly if you’re wanting more than 4 circles!


Rescheduling, Cancellation, Refunds:

  • If you have booked the 4- or 8-circle package and you find you need to cancel one, you can reschedule for another date on a space-available basis only.  

  • Regardless of the package you purchased, if you are going to miss a circle, please cancel and/or reschedule online at least 24 hours ahead of time so your space can become available to others. I will notify everyone when a space opens up. 

  • Regardless of the package you purchased, there are no refunds for no-shows nor for missed sessions that you are unable to reschedule, and there are no additional “make-up” sessions.

Need More Information?

Click HERE to contact Martha.

Need Some Encouragement?

Take a quiet moment to connect with your heart, deeply, beyond your thoughts and emotions. Ask your heart if it’s for your highest good to participate in Heart 2 Heart Circles.


If you can’t connect with your heart beyond your thoughts and emotions, CLICK HERE to join 4 Circles and learn how.

If you connect deeply with your heart and it says no, then perhaps we’ll see each other another time. And thank you for being true to your heart.

At the heart of the matter is what matters to the heart
— Martha