From yes… to YES!
Forging personal commitment in organizational decision-making
In times of uncertainty and change, commitment to decisions and promises is more essential than ever, yet also more elusive. This three-hour workshop will help you and your team members navigate to a heartfelt Yes followed by heartfelt action.
To get “buy-in,” many organizations try to use a collaborative style of decision-making; yet with constraints on time and resources, real consensus (literally, “consent”) is often sacrificed for the more expedient use of pressure to simply go along. “Yes” from the mouth and “yes” from the heart are often two entirely different things, creating entirely different outcomes. In the end, the expedient version of commitment often leads to half-hearted implementation or even failure of an initiative – a luxury very few organizations can afford.
To get real and meaningful commitment, each person needs to bring both heart and mind to the table before saying yes; and leaders need to support them in doing so. In this workshop, we will practice forging meaningful commitment at the personal level by mindfully exploring individual concerns and aspirations regarding both the business impact and the personal impact of a business decision.
Participants will learn to
Recognize the personal costs of making half-hearted commitments
Recognize the personal benefits of making full-hearted commitments
Address requests, concerns and responses with communication that is honest, open and respectful.
Create a personal template for ongoing assessment, monitoring and deepening of one’s own process of commitment.
This workshop is available in-person or live online.
“Thank you for the wake-up call. I’m now feeling excited about taking on new responsibilities.”